We're as dependable as the Postal Service...Rain, or Shine, Snow or Mud we will get all these synchronized cows AI'ed! It's almost like a kid at Christmas Time when we're going through the Sire Books making decisions on what semen to order for the new year. We're excited to see what these bulls can do for us: One In The Chamber, Ready To Roll, General Lee, Pistol Pete, Uncle Si, Remedy, Identified, Payweight, Beacon, Black Hawk, Main Event & Cowboy Cut to name a few.
All the dates for the different groups of cows have been planned on the calendar for when to cidr, give their shots, & breed. It's getting down to a science now, but it still takes a lot of work to get it all done. The cows will be happy to be turned out to Green Pastures with their clean up bull when this is complete.

Tom is getting warmed up & ready to go...550 head here we come!
Always has to be one that won't cooperate.
There are some blue skies every once in a while, but the storms aren't far behind. At least it's good for the oats we just planted and we aren't having to move sprinkler pipes right now too!
Ready to Thaw & Load!
Sorting the cows & calves on horseback. It's a muddy job, but somebody has to do it.
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