Beautiful Day to Test Bulls!
Most Holidays are Working Days for us and President's Day 2017 was no different. With all the kids out of school it was very nice to have a full crew able (& willing?) to help.
Great Crew!
Behind the Scenes...Way to keep things rollin!
All Hands on Deck!
It was a long day to get through over 100 bulls, but everyone saw it through to the end for a job well done! Thanks to Bear River Animal Clinic for providing their services also. We really need to get some knee pads for Doc Ira!
Trich & Semen testing.
As Braden is the one who is around the bulls the most as the feeder and day to day caregiver, he was given the task of sifting out those who didn't meet our criteria (Size, Phenotype, or Structure). Tyler took the opportunity to personally evaluate each of the remaining ones and made some ranking notes that will come in handy when it comes time to put together the Sale Order list.
Tom stayed in Elba watching over the herd as calving is in full swing. We're up to almost 200 head done with another 300 to go. We're getting anywhere from 10-20 every day, so if Braden & Aubrey miss a day on tagging, they're really behind! So far most have all been our AI calves. We are starting to get the first go around of clean up bred calves now.
We'll be hauling the bulls in to the Burley Livestock Auction Yard on Saturday, so hopefully they'll be settled in and not messing around!
They'll be available for people to come look through there. There will still be over 90 head of bulls, and this offering is perhaps the overall best group of bulls we've offered. The heifers will also speak for themselves.
As Ruel said: The effort and work exhibited to get to this point is all worth it when the product turns out like this in the end!
We're excited to get them to town and out to our buyers. We have been making calls and are encouraged with the amount of positive comments we're receiving. From Nevada, a buyer from last year commented: "We certainly appreciate your nice bulls! I look forward to this year's calves. I hope the weather is more welcoming than it has been. Best of rewards at your sale. Your product is wonderful. Thank you for doing a great job."
BVD ear notched and a shot of Draxxin and Inforce was given to all.
Sporting the new Tags!
Always fun to bring friends out to experience our world!
Mess with Braden and see what you get!
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