The Barker Family gathered to the Elba Valley for a reunion this weekend. Looking in on this group, you could see all seasons of life reflected. From an expectant mother to be in 4 weeks; a new baby that had everyone's attention; toddlers in saggy diapers climbing the slide over and over; kids with missing teeth running around like their energy would never run out; teenagers with cracky voices, funny hair-do's and band-aids covering up pimples; college kids and returned missionaries sitting in the adult ring; an anticipatory bride & groom ready to be married next week; young parents always on the watch for their kids who were running free; vacationers in motor homes; a few in the 50 and under club thinking how nice it was to sit for a minute; some in the 50+ club wishing they could get out of their chair; and some on canes that didn't used to be. They reminded us of why we were there... because they started this tradition and family bonds are important and everlasting. It didn't quite seem the same without Ginger & Wally, but the tradition of getting together and enjoying one another's company was still present ,and memories were shared of Aunt Ginger around the camp fire. Our thoughts and prayers are with the James family at this time. We love them all.
Sticky smores for Kendall! |
Mike & Tammy even brought out the cotton candy machine and made a sample for everyone to enjoy!
It wouldn't be a true Memorial Day if we didn't have some branding to do. We saved a little bunch of 50 head just to make sure there were some to do. The crew that shows up are die-hards you have to admit. For those who it is their first time, it's always fun to watch them as they get their first smell of branding smoke or watch the castration process. It's also pretty good entertainment to watch the kids try to rope and some get tromped as they try their hand at steer wrestling. The things we do every day we tend to take for granted as just another day. But for those who are getting to ride the horses trailing behind the cows or getting to throw a loop over a calf's head, it's a new type of adventure. We enjoy having them come to remind us of that every once in awhile. Life is good!
Cash has him in the headlock position...or maybe not! |
Call moves in to take over...but who is the toughest? |
Offering assistance are Cooper and the dogs Jake & Annie. |
All business! |
Concentration is key |
The proper way to handle Dectomax. |
Bring it! |
Fence Supervisors |
Come back... |
Thank you to the Memorial Day Branding Crew! |
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